miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009

All about blankets

It has been ages since I've blogged about the blankets I'm making for my girls. They are coming along, slowly but surely. This is the first crocheted blanket I've made, having previously made several quilts for them. What was your first blankie project? send me photos so I can post them in the blog!

there are so many wonderful patterns and examples out there!

A colorful vintage vertical stripe pattern at Bella Dia, meant to be made from scraps!

Another of these mesmerizing blankets like Dawn made , this time from Linda

By the way, Dawn sure comes from a very talented family! check out her grandmas' blankets, and then check all the lovelies she makes!

And in tottally unrelated news... I'm heartbroken! well, almost... how could they do it???

2 comentarios:

  1. Brooks and Dunn breaking up....wow!

    Can't wait to see your blankets when they are done.

  2. Here's my first blanket ever (I don't quilt):

    Rainbow Afghan
