viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

Progress with the blanket

Well, I've made some progress with my crocheted granny squares blanket, but I have a problem...

I fell behind in joining the squares and now I'm comfronted with a mountain of little squares that haunt me when I close my eyes and steal my appetite...well, maybe that was too dramatic, but I do have dozens of squares yet unjoined.

Chatting with my friend Alessandra she mentioned that she likes to join them as she goes, but (and here I prove I am my own worst enemy) I like the look of hand sewn squares...

Do any of you have a technique of joining the squares that you prefer? which is it? I'd really appreciate the tips!!

And what are you crocheting right now?

1 comentario:

  1. I prefer to sew my squares with whipstich. Take a look at this for tips and ideas:
    It may be tiresome, but I don't sew them until I have made all the amount of squares needed -my bedspread is haunting me too...

    Do we have to pay a membership to belong to the sisterhood? ;-)
